GALA construction software (WEB version) is a modern software designed for the contruction profession. It uses the latest technology based on HTML / JavaScript language and is designed to make calculations, planning, spending control, and calculation of executed works. Software is based on Desktop (MS Windows) version, using all the advantages of WEB technology. It is further enhanced and improved and no installation required.
GALA WEB software se razvija u smjeru integracije planiranja, kontrole i upravljanja troškovima i vremenom, u centrlani sustav za upravljanje građevinskim projektima. WEB sučelje je posebno korisno kod rada s udaljenih lokacija jer omogućava trenutni rad s bazom podataka. Na taj način svi podaci su ažurni i vidljivi odmah.
The WEB version of the software is located on a remote server and runs through a WEB browser (browser) independent of the operating system (MS Windows, Macintosh, Linux or any other). The only precondition for working is the Internet connection.
Software can also be installed on a local network. In that case, no internet connection is required.
(c) 2015 - 2019 AB Interior Construction d.o.o.