Fast, precise and clear - creation of Bill of quantities.
Using the advantages of new technologies, program enables quick creation Bill of quantities and offers. Import Bill of quantities from Excel or quick creation of Bill of quantities through the program, will leave enough time for analysis of individual items and create a favourable offer.
Creation Bill of quantities and is flexible to meet different types of looks and expense items. For each item entered can see the planned analysis of price earnings and amount labour, materials and machines, such a view is obtained and the level of Bill of quantities. Changing the price list or using the factors it is possible to make quick price changes, but the reports still control the effects of these changes.
- Export and import Bill of quantities with the resources (standardized Bill of quantities)
- Export and import Bill of quantities from MS Excel
- Export and import of material - enables quick control bid materials and quantities and update The price list.
- Definition of price lists, materials, machinery at the level of Bill of quantitiesa
- Define the factors of labour, materials, machinery
- Multiple input items (drag & drop from the book standards)
- Copy all or part of the expense (papers, items from the analysis)
- Add other expenses (transportation, sleeping employees)
- Drag/drop items from MS Office (Excel, Word)
- Drag/drop Sub analysis from book standards
- Creating a Bill of quantitie from an IFC file (Autocad Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCAD, Tekla, Arcon, Nemetschek ...)
Communication with subcontractors through Excel tables:
- comparison, control, selection of subcontractors, earnings calculation, import in the Bill of quantities
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